Where the Rubber Hits the Road

24 Apr

Following my last post, a comment from Kip pointed out the tendency of possums to produce quantities of saliva incompatible with an office environment. This led the company to reassign Pumpy from marketing to outside sales.

As a company that cares about the welfare of its employees, Mainland Press is now questioning the wisdom of sending a possum out on the road.

What do you think? Should Pumpy, known for his dedication to the job, be working flat out on the road, where a high profile position is likely to become a low profile one in less time than it takes to say, “Was that a possum?”

Or should the company find him a job with less pressure? What position within an organization is best suited to a possum’s abilities?

One Response to “Where the Rubber Hits the Road”

  1. augustusgump May 1, 2013 at 6:31 pm #

    I counted five squashed possums on a mile long stretch of road today, including two within five yards of each other. It’s definitely time to give Pumpy a desk job.

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